Monday, February 19, 2007

The dreaded lurgie

I haven't updated this blog in ages so I will post something quick now. It is because I have yet again been ill. In fact, I only seem to have not been ill for one week this term and that was elections week so I didn't exactly care too much about attending lectures. I'm now almost certain I am going to fail the year. I wouldn't be too bothered but I need to pass to get onto the politics course that I really want to do next year. On a weird and slightly off tangent point, events this term for me can be seen as proof I'm destined to be a politician and not a physicist but that is just my weird way of thinking. Hopefully I will be in better health for the rest of this term, even if the only thing I manage to achieve is a good night out to celebrate my birthday that's at the end of next week - arrgh, I'm getting old!


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